Double chocolate and double healthy cookies

Double chocolate and double healthy cookies

Here is a cookie recipe that I came up with by mixing up my sweet tooth cravings along with a lot of healthy ingredients that I found in my kitchen. One of my (and Arnaud’s… although he doesn’t know it yet ;-)) New Year’s resolution is to eat (a lot!) less refined sugar than what we used to. Here’s a good start with those double-chocolate-cookies made with natural sugar only (except for the one in the chocolate… But I am not quite ready yet for a life without chocolate!), and also a lot of other great ingredients.

30-35 cookies :

  • ¼ cup (50gr) quinoa white (uncooked)
  • 1 cup (100gr) whole grain rolled oats
  • 5-6 (about 50gr) pitted dried dates
  • 4/5 cup (100gr) whole wheat flour
  • ½ cup (50gr) almond meal
  • ⅓ cup (30gr) unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • ⅓ cup (75gr) melted butter (or coconut oil for a dairy-free version)
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbs honey
  • 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips (make
    sure they are dairy-free if needed)

In a food processor, grind the oats into a powder-like consistency. Add the quinoa and pulse again to a fine powder (although some small chunks can remain). Add the pitted dates to the mix and grind into a kind of sweet flour.

Stir the dry ingredients together in a bowl: whole wheat flour, almond meal, cocoa powder, pinch of salt, and the quinoa-oats-dates mix. Mix in the melted butter, egg and honey into a dough, mixing by hand when it gets to thick (or pulse everything in the food processor). If the dough is too dry to hold into a ball, add in one or a few tbsp of milk or almond milk for example. Add in the dark chocolate chips and mix briefly by hand. Roll the dough to a cylinder shape of about a 2inches diameter, and place it in the fridge for an hour.

Preheat the oven to 375°F. Grease a large baking pan. Take the dough out of the refrigerator, and cut slices the thickness of a cookie out of the cylinder. Slightly press the cookie with your fingers if the shape disintegrate a little. Place the cookies on the baking pan, and bake for about 15′ in the preheated oven. Let them cool on the baking pan before trying to move them, as they break easily when still hot (but not when they’re cold). Enjoy!

NB: if easier, you can also form some small balls of dough between your hands and then press each ball into à cookie-like shape ins

tead of rolling the dough into a cylinder.

NB : add some grated coconut to the mix for a slightly different version.

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