Baked sweet potato with egg and smoked salmon

Baked sweet potato with egg and smoked salmon

Here’s a fun and healthy recipe for a yummy lunch or dinner -or even breakfast if you’d like. These baked sweet potatoes require a little wait because the have to go twice in the oven, but they don’t need a lot of an effort to make. Plus, they are delicious, flavorful, and display a lot of pretty colors in your plate 🙂 I came up with this recipe the other night when Arnaud wasn’t home, and I think he was a bit jealous when I showed him the pictures -but no worries I’ll make him some again soon!

Depending on the size of the potato and on how hungry you are, you may need either ½ of a sweet potato/person or a whole one/person.

For one sweet potato (2 eggs):

  • 1 large sweet potato
  • About 3.5 oz (100gr) smoked salmon (optional if you’re not a fan)
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • 3 tbsp cream cheese (plain or chives & onion)
  • 2 eggs
  • Fresh chopped green onions or scallions, for garnish
  • A few tbsp of butter
  • Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400°F/200°C. Wash and dry the sweet potato, then pierce potato skin with a fork a few times. Rub skin with a little olive oil, then place potato in a baking dish or on a baking sheet. Bake for 45-50′ in preheated oven (turning potato over halfway through), or until tender. Remove from the oven.

Prepare the salmon mixture: roughly chop the smoked salmon, and combine with cream cheese, lemon juice, pepper and any seasoning you want. Cut potato in half lengthwise. With a spoon, carve out a well in the center of each half, as big as you think you’ll need for the egg and some salmon mixture, setting the extra flesh aside to be used later. Spread a layer of salmon mixture at the bottom of each well, and spread the remaining of the mixture all around the side of the well. Carefully crack and pour one egg into each well without breaking the yolk, trying no to make too much of a mess :-). Place potato back in baking dish and return to the oven (480°F/250°C) until the eggs reach the desired consistency (about 10′).

Meanwhile, puree the remaining sweet potato flesh with a little bit of butter, some salt and pepper. Serve the baked sweet potatoes with some puree, and sprinkle with chopped green onions. Bon appétit!

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