Not-so-boring lunch idea: stir fried green cabbage and poached eggs

Not-so-boring lunch idea: stir fried green cabbage and poached eggs

Do you sometimes have one of those days when your regular everyday-the-same lunch just seems too boring to be true and you really don’t feel like eating it? Well, this is any day for me. I really need to switch things up from time to time otherwise I’ll just get bored of eating the same thing. Here is one example of a fun and fresh lunch I made once when I was on a quest of something different and happened to have some green cabbage left in the fridge.

Serves 1:

  • 4 to 5 green cabbage leaves, rinsed
  • ¼ onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Salt, pepper and olive oil
  • 1 or 2 (or 3!) eggs, depending on how hungry you are!

Peel and chop the onion and garlic clove. Sauté the onion and garlic with olive oil in a frying pan. Meanwhile, cut the cabbage leaves in two, removing the thick white core. Cut every half leave in ½” to 1″ slices. Stir fry for 4-5′ in the frying pan together with the onion and garlic. Add salt and pepper, then cover and allow to cook for a few more minutes until the cabbage gets a little more tender.

While the cabbage cooks, poach the eggs: bring some water to a simmer in a cooking pan (you can add one tbsp vinegar). Crack one egg into a small ramekin, then place it close to the surface of the water and carefully drop it in the water in one quick movement. If needed, use a spoon to push the egg white closer to the yolk to help the egg hold together. Repeat with the remaining eggs, one at a time. Allow to cook for 3-4′ in the simmering water. Gently remove the egg from the water and place on a plate with the sautéed green cabbage and, for example, some toasted whole wheat bread.

What are your lunch favorites?

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