Wisdom Wednesday: No One Is You And That Is Your Power
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Woohoo here comes the Spring, which not only announces Arnaud’s birthday (the fact that his date of birth matches the return of the sunny days is no coincidence according to him… I’ll let him believe that), but also that it’s time for our annual trip to Arizona and California! Since we graduated from NAU, we’ve been going back there for a few weeks of vacation/training camp every year around Easter time, and we always have a great time! We landed in…
I had been wanting to bake some scones for a while and decided it was time to give it a try! I opted for a coffee mocha version (my favorite drink of the moment!). I thought I might as well make this one a vegan – dairy free version for all of you out there being in this mindset and having a sweet tooth. Given how many of these scones Arnaud ate, I guess we can say this recipe was…
Here’s a tasty drink packed with vitamins and antioxidants. Perfect for a sunny day (or a snowy day like we had in Flagstaff last week ;-)), it’s a great and healthy alternative to regular soft drinks, and will make you kick off Spring season in style! Cheers! Makes 2-3 servings: Combine and blend the following ingredients until smooth: 2 cups (about 50cl) chilled green tea or mint green tea, sweetened to taste (honey, stevia, brown sugar, agave,…) 1 handful of fresh mint…
These stuffed mushrooms are just perfect as a nice and simple dinner, but they also make a great appetizer. This is exactly the kind of comfort food I like, and on top of that they are filled with healthy stuff! This recipe is also gluten free. At home we love the vegetarian version as much as the one with bacon, you get to choose which one you’d like the most! Makes 3-4 servings 1 pack of large, whole white mushrooms (about 7-8, depending…
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