Entering the home stretch
Here we are, already entering the last few weeks of this pregnancy thing (I’m at 38 weeks right now), and we are trying to be prepared for the storm of fun coming our way. Well, as prepared as one can be when Arnaud is in charge of some of the tasks to fulfill before the birth 😉
Regarding the pregnancy, I must admit I’ve been pretty lucky so far as everything has been going great! To quote the Doc “you’ve had the most normal of the most normal of pregnancies” or the chiro “in fact, you’re pretty boring” (and I sure hope he wasn’t referring to my personality), so in a nutshell, nothing special to report.
<Although, between us, the version I have been telling Arnaud is that my feet and ankles are suffering a great amount and that only a daily 30′ massage would help>.
Sport-wise, Arnaud kept on doing a lot of this:
While I’ve been doing a lot of that:
I stopped running almost as soon as we got the news that I was pregnant, by personal choice more than by medical advice, and I must admit that as much as I loved hard training and daily runs before, I enjoyed this running sabbatical (and watching Arnaud sweat on the track while sitting on the side line). But, when the thought “man this looks like a lot of fun” popped up in my mind this Monday as I was watching the Boston marathon on TV (I mean, 26 miles of running in the freezing rain and wind) I realized that I was really looking forward to start running again!
On a food level, I haven’t had any weird cravings at all, or at least, as Arnaud likes to say it, nothing weirder than my usual weirdness. However we really enjoyed researching information about nutrition and food (what are the healthy fats, what type of sugar to prioritize, what products to avoid,…), something that is deeply important to us, especially since one of us is running every day and has to boost muscle building and recovery, and the other one of us is actually building muscles, cells and tissues for a third person 🙂. As you can probably guess, lots of cakes have been made and devour following this process in order to test our new findings!
Regarding the baby gear, we are all about reusing things and in that matter we were really spoiled by our brothers and sisters thanks to whom we could gather almost everything we’ll need for the little one, including a true princess wardrobe to walk along the same path as her cousins. Our sparrow Nardaud is a little jealous and may borrow some of it for a day from time to time. I also got the opportunity, since time is still not a rare commodity for me, to make a homemade blanket with old sweaters, some accessories, and Montessori-inspired cards and mobiles… I can’t wait to get everything installed!
Anyways, only a few more days until we finally get to find out if our baby girl will have the same long straight black hair as her dad when he was born 🙂
We hope everything is going well on your side and we send you lots of love from our side of the pond!
We’ll keep you posted about how the next few weeks go! XOXO